Welcome to sputnik.zone!

This site is for me to learn web development, and whatever else that requires a proper server. In 65 days, the subscription given to me by my school runs out, and this site will probably dissappear. But until then!

I exist to make the page scrollable (Wooo snazzy UI)

Will be "About page" soon!

I am a web development student at Yrgo in Sweden.

Projects page

As my pile of completed assignments and other side quests grows, I'll add the major ones here!
(Well, soon :p)


Description (PHP)


Description (JS)


Not Here Yet (Design)

Sunne Hotel

Description (PHP, JS, DB)

Duck Generator

Description (React)

Emote Chat

Description (React)

3D Renderer

3D renderer using canvas (in Progress) (JS)


Basic Chat using WebSocket (JS)


Experiments with WebAudioAPI (nodes, sfx, looping) (JS)

Will be "Music page" soon!

In the meantime, enjoy some Sketchbook ~full color's~ BGM by Ken Muramatsu :)